Semarang – Thursday morning, 13 October 2022, a total of 116 Land and Spatial Planning students gathered in the cortyard of the Diponegoro University Stadium before finally leaving for Temanggung Regency to carry out survey activities. The departure event was attended by the Head of the Spatial Planning and Land Management Study Program and the supporting lecturer from the Spatial and Land Management Studio course, namely Khristiana Dwi Astuti, S.T., M.T., Dr. Jawoto Sih Setyono, S.T., MDP, and Pangi, S.T., M.T. On that occasion, the lecturer team collected data on the number of students who took part in the survey activities as well as conveyed their message. After listening to the briefing, students started traveling at 08.30 WIB according to the order of departure. During the trip, the condition and completeness of the students were checked at two checkpoints, the first located in Sumowono Square and the second in Kaloran District, Temanggung Regency.
The field survey activity which is included in the learning series of the Spatial and Land Planning Studio will take place on October 13-21, 2022. This activity is a continuation of survey activities in the previous semesters in the Geospatial Data Processing Studio and Spatial Analysis Studio courses. The goal is that students are able to make spatial plans both at the district scale (general plan) as well as urban and regional areas (detailed plans) in accordance with the Learning Outcomes of the subject. The macro study area in this course is Temanggung Regency, while the detailde plan is divided into seven groups, including: Urban Areas and Priority Areas from Parakan, Kledung, Kranggan, Temanggung, Bulu, Ngadirejo, and Kedu Districts (JSP).