Wonosobo: On December 11, 2024, the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Office of Wonosobo Regency held a dissemination activity for the MK Studio Planning and Spatial Planning results. The event aims to provide stakeholders in the area with a better understanding of the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan for Urban Areas. This activity occurred at the Pendopo Sesarengan of the PUPR Office of Wonosobo Regency. It was filled with various related parties, including government officials, city planners, and the general public, who care about spatial planning in their areas. The presence of these multiple elements shows the high level of attention to sustainable and planned development. The Head of the PUPR Office of Wonosobo Regency, Mr. Wahyudi, S.T., M.T., welcomed the event. The presentation by the MK Studio Planning team included the Structure and Spatial Pattern Plan in the Wonosobo urban area.
The proposed spatial structure includes arranging public service centers and developing infrastructure systems that support mobility and connectivity between sub-districts. This plan also covers six sub-districts, namely Wonosobo Sub-district, Kertek Sub-district, Mojotengah Sub-district, Garung Sub-district, Selomerto Sub-district, and Kejajar Sub-district. Each sub-district has unique characteristics and challenges that need to be considered in spatial planning. The MK Studio Planning Team also explained the strategy for sustainable regional development. This includes wise land management, the need for green open spaces, and developing protected areas to maintain environmental sustainability. This is expected to create a balance between development and nature conservation. During the question and answer session, the participants seemed enthusiastic in providing input and questions related to the plan presented. This constructive discussion is a positive step in building synergy between the government and the community in spatial planning. Mr. Wahyudi reminded us that the successful implementation of this plan is highly dependent on the collaboration of all parties. He hopes that all elements of society can play an active role in maintaining and supervising the plan’s implementation in the field. This dissemination activity ended with the signing of a joint commitment between the PUPR Service and community representatives, which signified support for the spatial plan that had been prepared. With a clear and directed plan, Wonosobo Regency can develop into a more planned and sustainable area. With the dissemination of the results of the Planning Studio MK, the community can better understand the importance of good spatial planning and actively participate in creating a better Wonosobo in the future.