
Lorog Hamlet, Lerep Village: An innovative program for the development of Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Provision (PAMSIMAS) was initiated by students of the Thematic Community Service Program of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) for the 2024 period in Lorog Hamlet, Lerep Village. This initiative emerged to address the community’s daily challenges with the availability of clean water. Under the guidance of Mrs. Yayuk Astuti, S.Si, Ph.D., as a supervising lecturer, this program is expected to catalyze a sustainable PAMSIMAS system in Lorog Hamlet.


Maheswara Rifky Pasopati, a Department of Spatial Planning and Land, UNDIP Vocational School student, executed this development program. The program’s primary focus is to conduct comprehensive mapping and identification of strategic locations to develop PAMSIMAS infrastructure. The method used is based on land capability analysis, emphasizing clean water provision in Lorog Hamlet. Close collaboration was established between students, village officials, and the local PAMSIMAS management team.

The implementation of this program is divided into several strategic stages. Starting on October 8, 2024, data collection of existing water source locations was carried out, successfully identifying two existing water source points in Lorog Hamlet. The next stage involved an in-depth land capability analysis using various parameters such as rainfall intensity, slope gradient, and soil characteristics. This analysis focused on the potential availability of clean water to identify areas with optimal development capacity. Field validation was carried out on November 25, 2024, accompanied by in-depth interviews with the Head of Lorog Hamlet and the local PAMSIMAS manager. This process is essential to verify the results of previous analyses and collect additional relevant information. The final result of this program is the preparation of a Map of Potential Locations for PAMSIMAS Infrastructure Development, which was then submitted to the PAMSIMAS management of Lorog Hamlet.

The success of the UNDIP Thematic KKN program in producing a mapping of potential locations for PAMSIMAS infrastructure development in Dusun Lorog is the result of good collaboration between students, supervising lecturers, and the village. This program is expected to be a strategic guide for developing PAMSIMAS infrastructure in the future, especially in determining the locations for adding new infrastructure that will support the clean water needs of the Dusun Lorog community.


Author: Maheswara Rifky Pasopati