On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at the office of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency of Wonosobo Regency, the Vocational School, represented by Vice Dean II of the Vocational School of Diponegoro University, Dr. Eng Vita Paramita, S.T., M.M., M.Eng, and the Administrative Manager, Fajar Purwantoro, S.Ap, together with the Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency of Wonosobo Regency, Nurudin Ardiyanto, ST, MT, and the Head of the Spatial Planning Division, Reni Andriana, SP, M.Si, signed a cooperation agreement between the Vocational School of Diponegoro University and the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (DPUPR) of Wonosobo.
On this occasion, representatives from the Vocational School were also present, namely the Chair of the Spatial Planning and Land Program Study, Khristiana Dwi Astuti, ST, MT, along with lecturers from the Spatial Planning and Land Program Study, namely Pangi, ST, MT, Syachril Warsambi Mispaki, ST, M.Eng, Dr. Intan Muning Harjanti, ST, MT, and Pratamaningtyas Anggraini, ST, MT. From the representatives of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency, there were the Head of the Water Resources Division, Eko Premono, ST, MM, the Head of the Road Division, Afton Riza Fasani, ST, the Head of the Program Development Division, Dani Ardiansyah, ST, and the Head of the Development Division, Wiryawan Widianto, ST, MT.
The signing of the cooperation between the Vocational School and DPUPR Wonosobo will create synergy between the two parties, especially in the field of education, such as internships, public lectures, fieldwork lectures, and in research and community service.