Semarang Regency: Diponegoro University’s Thematic Community Service Program (KKN-T) with the central theme of “Optimizing the Management of Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program (PAMSIMAS) Digitally in Lerep Village, Semarang Regency” is here to help manage PAMSIMAS in Lerep Village, one of which is PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo located in Tegalrejo Hamlet. To identify the needs and reach of PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo services for the Tegalrejo Hamlet community, one of the Diponegoro University Thematic KKN students, Reza Salsabila Az Zahra, with the guidance of Ms. Yayuk Astusi S.Si, Ph.D as DPL, implemented a scientific program to map the scope of houses served by PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo. The mapping program for the coverage of PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo-served houses aims to identify the coverage of services and monitor houses in Tegalrejo Hamlet that have received access to clean water services or have not received access to clean water services through PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo. Because PAMSIMAS aims to provide clean water to the community, this mapping helps ensure that the distribution of clean water services runs efficiently, reduces inequality in access, and supports data-based decision-making for sustainable infrastructure development.

The coverage of PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo-served houses was mapped by collecting data and mapping existing houses in Tegalrejo Hamlet. The data was obtained from PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo customer data totaling 187. After the data collection and mapping process of existing houses was completed, a classification was carried out on houses served and houses not served by PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo based on observation data and direct interviews with PAMSIMAS managers so that the data used was accurate and validated by PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo managers. From this mapping, the results obtained were that PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo did not serve houses in part of RT 02 Dusun Tegalrejo.

On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, the handover of the results of the mapping of the coverage of houses served by PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo was carried out to the PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo management and also the Head of Dusun Tegalrejo at the Lerep Village Hall. The success of this program was created through good collaboration between students, supervising lecturers, PAMSIMAS Tirtorejo management, the Head of Dusun Tegalrejo, and the Tegalrejo Hamlet Community who always actively participated in helping this Thematic KKN program. This mapping provides data-based information related to the coverage of houses served by PAMSIMAS, which is used to increase the efficiency of clean water management and assists in planning the development or improvement of infrastructure needed to meet the need for clean water in Dusun Tegalrejo.


Author: Reza Salsabila Az Zahra