To support Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health as an approach to changing hygienic and sanitary behavior through community empowerment through triggering. On October 8, 2024, this Thematic Community Service Lecture (KKN) took place with the theme “Optimizing the Management of the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program (PAMSIMAS) Digitally in Lerep Village, Semarang Regency”. Thematic Community Service Lecture (KKN) students from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) have realized various innovations with multidisciplinary and monodisciplinary approaches to support the management of PAMSIMAS services and sanitation quality in Lerep Village.

In implementing the theme, one of the members of the Lerep Village Thematic KKN team, Mindy Melya Azzedara, a 7th Semester student from the Spatial Planning and Land Study Program, carried out a monodisciplinary work program in the form of a Thematic Mapping of Environmental Sanitation in Lorog Hamlet. The program was motivated by the absence of visualization of sanitation in the Hamlet area and the absence of specific data related to environmental sanitation, making it difficult for village officials and the Lorog Hamlet community to monitor whether sanitation in Lorog Hamlet is reasonable or still needs improvement. To overcome the existing problems, this mapping is required to find the location of houses and wastewater storage facilities in Lorog Hamlet. The monodisciplinary program, under the guidance of the accompanying lecturer, Mrs. Yayuk Astuti, S. Si, Ph. D., is a step toward supporting the implementation of environmental sanitation in Lorog Hamlet.

Application of GIS in supporting Community-Based Total Sanitation

The government holds the PAMSIMAS Program to increase community access to clean water and sanitation. However, in Lorog Hamlet, there is still no picture of the sanitation conditions in the scope of environmental sanitation, making it difficult to monitor. So, as a form of contribution to the community, the Lerep Village Thematic KKN students created the Thematic Mapping of Environmental Sanitation in Lorog Hamlet.

This program applies geospatial technology in village development to support Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM). Using software such as ArcGIS, land parcel data, road networks, and environmental sanitation condition data were obtained from interviews with the Head of PAMSIMAS Management, Mr. Ariyadi, the local RW Head, and several Lorog Hamlet Communities. The data is then processed, producing a “Lorog Hamlet Environmental Sanitation Map.” This mapping is divided into two classifications, namely Septic Tank Users and Non-Septic Tank Users. Based on the results of the data processing that was carried out, it was found that the community in Lorog Hamlet has used septic tanks as a whole.

Results of the Monodisciplinary Program

Through this Thematic KKN Program, Diponegoro University Students, together with the support of Supervisors and the village, have succeeded in mapping the Environmental Sanitation Conditions in Lorog Hamlet by integrating the Geospatial Information System. From the results of this mapping, solutions can be created to help the community, especially the PAMSIMAS managers of Lorog Hamlet and village officials, to regularly monitor Environmental Sanitation conditions in Lorog Hamlet to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable hamlet environment.

Author: Mindy Melya Azzedara