The Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) students of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) have successfully implemented a monodisciplinary program to collect data on domestic and non-domestic water needs in Lerep Hamlet. This program includes collecting data on water use in households and other sectors and analyzing the availability and management of existing water resources. The data collection process was carried out from October to November 2024, involving field observations and in-depth discussions with the Hamlet Head and the local community. Through this program, KKN students collaborate with village officials to identify challenges and potentials in water management, which is expected to increase public awareness of the importance of sustainable water resource management. With the guidance of field supervisors Mr. Yuli Christiyono, ST, MT., Mrs. Yayuk Astuti, S. Si, Ph. D., and Mr. Pangi, S.T., M.T, this program aims to support the development of water management strategies based on accurate data, which in turn can help the village government in planning more effective development policies and programs and increase community participation in maintaining the sustainability of water resources in Lerep Hamlet.
In Lerep Hamlet, Lerep Village, West Ungaran District, Thematic Community Service (KKN) students of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) have implemented a monodisciplinary program that focuses on recording domestic and non-domestic water needs, where in Lerep Hamlet all residents use PAMSIMAS which is managed by the Lerep Hamlet apparatus. To improve water resource management, students conducted field observations and discussions with the Head of Lerep Hamlet and the local community to identify the needs and challenges faced. Through this program, an effective strategy can be created in water resource management so that all levels of society can enjoy better access to clean water and meet their daily needs.
The program was created after conducting interviews and discussions with the Hamlet Head so that several obstacles and related problems were obtained in Lerep Hamlet, namely:
In the past few months, the quality of water received by residents has decreased, and there is residual dirt.
Water crisis in the dry season which causes people to lack clean water
The increasing population in Lerep Hamlet means that the amount of clean water needed is increasing.
The interviews and field observations show several fundamental problems related to water management in this area. First, limited access to clean water is still a significant issue and also creates inequality in accessibility. In addition, the lack of data on water needs for both domestic and non-domestic purposes hinders effective and sustainable planning. Poor infrastructure conditions are also a concern, where many pipes leak and damage, reducing the effectiveness of clean water distribution. This program aims to collect accurate data on water use in Lerep Hamlet, which will help plan infrastructure improvements and improve the distribution system.
The program has been running, and the DPL has approved the latest results, so the Thematic Community Service (KKN) students of Diponegoro University carried out the handover of products at the Lerep Village Hall, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, attended by Mr. Suroji Azril as the Head of Lerep Hamlet with enthusiasm and positive responses.
Thematic KKN students of Diponegoro University in Lerep Hamlet, Lerep Village, West Ungaran District, have implemented a monodisciplinary program that focuses on recording domestic and non-domestic water needs. This program aims to overcome the inequality of access to clean water due to the dependence of some people on wells and the PAMSIMAS system; the data that has been collected based on the results of the survey (existing), it is hoped that Lerep Hamlet can overcome the challenges of access to clean water gradually and create a more effective and sustainable water management system.
Author: Agil