Undip Thematic KKN Multidisciplinary Program Presentation Activity 2024


Undip Thematic KKN students carry out KKN activities to optimize PAMSIMAS management and improve program sustainability. Through student collaboration with local stakeholders, it is hoped that the “Dusun Lerep PAMSIMAS Profile” program can support the implementation of Dusun Lerep PAMSIMAS so that the community’s clean water needs can be fulfilled effectively. This program is designed based on students’ primary and secondary survey activities.


The PAMSIMAS Profile contains information about the current PAMSIMAS system and developments that can be implemented in the future. The discussion of the profile concerns:

Dusun Lerep area profile

Dusun Lerep has an area of ​​235.92 hectares with 2,664 residents spread across 16 RTs in 2 RWs. This area borders Kalisidi Village, Keji Village, Indrokilo Hamlet, Soka Hamlet, and Nyatnyono Village, with the main potential in tourism, agriculture, and plantations.

Land use of Lerep Hamlet

Plantations dominate 50.28% of the Lerep Hamlet area. Well-managed pipe, irrigation, and drainage networks support water needs for households, agriculture, and the economy.

Lerep Hamlet water resource network

The water resource network map shows the location of water sources in the area. Irrigation, pipe, and drainage networks support agricultural activities and meet the community’s water needs.

PAMSIMAS management structure

The PAMSIMAS management of Lerep Hamlet has a management structure of chairman, secretary, treasurer, members, and RT chairman. The management’s duties include coordination, archive management, technical supervision, and collection of community contributions.

Classification of PAMSIMAS Bills and Users

To support PAMSIMAS operations, the community pays contributions according to the type of user, namely local houses IDR 500 per cubic meter, while non-local houses, stalls, and agricultural land IDR 1,000 per cubic meter.

SKL for Waste Disposal in Lerep Hamlet

Land capability analysis shows that most of the Lerep Hamlet area is less suitable for waste disposal due to easily eroded soil. However, particular areas can be utilized with careful management.

SKL for Water Availability in Lerep Hamlet

Lerep Hamlet also recorded abundant water availability in 2023, reaching 2,112,716 cubic meters yearly. This availability far exceeds domestic and non-domestic water needs of 1,576,060 cubic meters per year, so this hamlet is included in the safe category regarding water carrying capacity.

Carrying Capacity and Capacity of Lerep Hamlet

In 2023, Lerep Hamlet recorded a water availability of 2,112,716 cubic meters per year, far exceeding the need for 1,576,060 cubic meters, so this hamlet is safe regarding water carrying capacity.

Water Quality Indicators

Water quality is monitored using a microcontroller-based tool that measures the level of water clarity. The measurement results are categorized as clean, somewhat clean, or dirty water to ensure the safety of water used by the community.

Water Reservoir Design Plan

The PAMSIMAS water reservoir design involves using materials such as reinforced concrete, silica sand, palm fiber, and limestone to filter and improve water quality.

The next activity is submitting products as articles and supporting documents to the Village Apparatus and PAMSIMAS Manager of Lerep Hamlet.

PAMSIMAS Profile Socialization of Lerep Hamlet


Through this KKN Program, Diponegoro University KKN Students, together with the support of Supervising Lecturers and the village, PAMSIMAS Lerep Hamlet is not only a solution to the basic needs of clean water but also supports sustainable hamlet development.

Author: Group 1